Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i) is a type of treatment that works to help people with insomnia overcome their symptoms and improve their sleep quality. It involves a series of individualized sessions with a trained specialist who can teach you new behaviors and thoughts that will help you sleep better. It is an alternative to medications, which can have side effects or only work for a short time.
It is effective for adults who are struggling with a wide range of symptoms, including trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. It can also be useful for adolescents or children with delayed sleep phase syndrome or recurrent nightmares.
Your therapist from this website will first ask you to keep a sleep diary for one or two weeks to understand how your sleeping patterns are changing. This will help the therapist to identify certain patterns that need to be changed in the course of the treatment.
You will also have a discussion with the therapist about what causes your sleep problems and how you can manage those causes. These may include coping with anxiety, a medical condition or medications that affect your sleep. Discover more facts about sleeping at
The therapist will also teach you about sleep hygiene, the habits and activities that are most likely to improve your sleep. These can include avoiding alcohol and caffeine before bed, eating a healthy diet, limiting your screen time and going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. The therapist will also show you how to relax at bedtime and increase your sleep drive, the body’s natural desire and need for sleep.
A therapist may also use other techniques, such as relaxation training and hypnosis. These methods can be used at any time of the day and may help patients feel more relaxed before bedtime, which will make it easier to fall asleep.
Insomnia is a complex and chronic sleep disorder. It can be a sign of other health conditions, like depression or bipolar disorder. It can also be a result of certain traumatic events, like accidents and death.
Symptoms of insomnia include difficulty falling or staying asleep, wakefulness during the night, waking up too early in the morning or feeling tired during the day. These problems are often difficult to live with.
Many people with insomnia have negative beliefs about their ability to get or maintain sleep. These thoughts can lead to a vicious cycle that keeps the patient awake and frustrated at night.
CBT-i focuses on identifying, challenging, and altering the dysfunctional thoughts that contribute to the problem. Typical beliefs addressed in this kind of therapy include worry about waking up during the night, worrying about getting up too early in the morning and unrealistic expectations about sleep duration and energy. Be sure to view here for more details!
These thoughts may be causing the person to try to force sleep, spend excessive time in bed, or stay up late watching TV, which are all detrimental to the patient’s ability to sleep well.
Unlike medication, which only works for a limited time, CBT-i is a long-term approach that can be followed after treatment ends to reduce the chances of relapse and improve a patient’s daytime functioning. Studies show that CBT-i can be just as effective as sleep medication in the long run, and can produce greater improvements in the quality of a patient’s sleep.